Process Driven Culture 
- The company strongly believes in core processes and standardization in way Company is committed to achieve member’s trust and consumer’s satisfaction. Every company must functionalize in the processes, but probably the label 'process driven' applies to ones who really use their processes and have the right level of grip on them. Maahi products are the end result of this specific label and the output of gripping to the processes.
- Policies, Standard Operating procedures, Work Manuals and Instructions are developed and managed in a proper alignment in line with the business strategy across the company to deliver value to company’s members and consumers.
- SOP development is established in the company by identifying deficiencies in the systems through different audit of the functions to achieve standards and quality improvement.
- Work Instructions are followed for best task performance. Sequence of operations mentioned in the work instructions helps work operators to perform task easily and systematic manner.
- Process driven culture of the company is seeing as knowledge capture of the critical processes for company’s employees. This empowers and encourages employees to think for better ways to work and ensure “compliance” in the increasingly regulated work environment.
- Implementation of more than 130 Maahi Standard Operating Procedures, Policies, Manuals and Work Instructions leads to achieve desired outputs with improved work efficiency and consumer satisfaction.